Firewalls & VPN Solutions

A firewall employs packet filtering to allow or disallow the flow of very specific types of network traffic. IP packet filtering provides a way for you to define precisely what IP traffic is allowed to cross the firewall. IP packet filtering is important when you connect private intranets to public networks like the Internet.

Firewalls & VPN Solutions NFirewalls & VPN Solutions Firewalls & VPN Solutions

Firewalls & VPN Solutions

Firewall solutions, when integrated with a comprehensive security device, offer many benefits. Among them are:

        →  Support for changing business needs.
        →  Controlled access to your company’s resources.
        →  Increased employee productivity.
        →  Improved business resiliency.

​Virtual Private Networking (VPN)

VPN enables businesses to deliver secure, encrypted connectivity for traveling employees, remote offices, and telecommuters who require access to critical corporate network resources including email, network drives, and intranet resources. Mobile VPN enables telecommuters and traveling employees to access the corporate network while maintaining privacy and security.
Branch Office VPN (BOVPN)

BOVPN enables secure connectivity between geographically separated offices. These communications often contain the types of critical data exchanged inside the corporate firewall. In this scenario, a BOVPN ensures confidential connections between these offices, streamlining communication, reducing the cost of dedicated lines, and retaining security at each end.